Monday, January 27, 2020

Addictive Properties of Sugar

Addictive Properties of Sugar Sugar is naturally present in most foods, but with an increase of both modified food and sweet cravings, people have become addicted even more than cocaine users are addicted to cocaine. Overtime, several people have grown to be health conscious and have committed themselves to eating healthy foods. Some have even gone to the point where they do not eat any type of sugar whatsoever. Before one completely removes sugar from their diet, it is crucial to understand what sugar is exactly. Sugar is a carbohydrate made up of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen. Although those who cut out sugar from their diet completely have good intentions, a certain amount of sugar is still needed for the body to have energy. But when is it too much? Several doctors recommend to intake 55 to 60 percent of your daily caloric intake from carbohydrates. This has become increasingly difficult for some, especially those that exceed that amount. Studies have shown that some people have become heavily dependent on dail y sugar intake, with some even becoming addicted to it. Some doctors have gone against that claim, saying that in order to become addicted to sugar, they have to meet certain criteria and most people are not technically addicted. On the other hand, drugs like cocaine are known to have an addictive property to them. Most people that are users of cocaine become addicted and dependent on it. The question that many people are asking is if sugar is as addictive as drugs. To understand what makes people want sugar so much, researchers have to go all the way back and understand the principles of sugar. In essence, sugar is a carbohydrate that is split into several categories of identification. Not all sugar is the same; similar to how not all drugs are the same. There are several types of sugars such as beet sugar, white sugar, powdered sugar, malt sugar, etc. ‘Simple carbohydrates, or simple sugars, are composed of monosaccharide or disaccharide units. Common monosaccharides (carbohydrates composed of single sugar units) include glucose, fructose, and galactose’ (James). Fructose is the sugar present in fruits. Lactose is present in milk sugar. Maltose is present in grain products. And sucrose, one of the most common, is present in sugar cane and sugar beets. All of these types of sugar differ in the amount an individual should eat. They also differ in taste, with some sweeter than the other. â€Å"Any food where sucrose, fructose, gluco se, corn syrup, honey, or other sugars are listed as the first ingredient on the packaging can be defined as sweets† (Schmitt). Just as there are different types of sugars each having different qualities and properties, in the same way drugs, specifically psychoactive drugs, can be divided into four main categories. Those are: stimulants, depressants, opiates and hallucinogens. All of them are addictive and induce dependence. Stimulants, like cocaine, amphetamines and ecstasy, stimulate the central nervous system. Depressants have an opposite effect by slowing down the central nervous system (CNS). Examples of depressants are alcohol and cannabis. Opiates also act in the same way as depressants and slow down the CNS. Some well-known opiates are heroin, morphine, opium and methadone. Hallucinogens change a person’s perception of reality and time. Commonly used hallucinogens are LSD and psilocybin (magic mushrooms). Addiction has both a biological and behavioral component. Our brains instinctively find certain things pleasurable, such as eating certain foods and having sexual intercourse. The brain has a specific reward circuitry that makes us want to do what we need to survive. The brain interprets anything that stimulates the â€Å"reward pathway† as necessary for life and needs to be repeated. Many things, however, that aren’t necessary for life can stimulate this reward circuitry, including drugs, sugar, junk foods, and even behaviors such as gambling and exercise. (Rettner) The reason we get pleasure from these substances, that aren’t in fact crucial for survival, is because they cause the release of a neurotransmitter called dopamine in an area of the brain called Nucleus Accumbens. Dopamine helps control the brains reward, pleasure and motivation centers. Dopamine also helps regulate movement and emotional responses, and it enables us not only to see rewards, but to t ake action to move toward them. (Frances) Another hormone called serotonin is also responsible for the euphoria that’s felt after ingesting certain substances. Studies have shown that after ingesting drugs and eating certain foods, especially those that are high in sugar, serotonin and dopamine levels in the brain significantly increase. This leads the individual to feel pleasure and euphoria and motivates them to repeat this process. This is the mechanism that causes addiction. Both sugar and cocaine cause a temporary high soon after they enter the bloodstream but only to cause many debilitating problems after their effects wear off. An intake of sugar that exceeds the recommended daily amount can lead to very serious side effects. That includes an increased risk of type 2 diabetes, heart disease, several types of liver disease, an increased probability of developing cancer, obesity, depression, increased risk of yeast infections, a weaker immune system, tooth decay, etc. The side of effects of cocaine include, but are not limited to; permanent damage to blood vessels, high blood pressure (leading to heart attacks, strokes, and possibly death), liver, kidney and lung damage, malnutrition and weight loss, severe depression, severe tooth decay, etc. Besides the addiction they cause, both sugar and cocaine have several side effects in common. On the other hand the methods of treating a cocaine addict and those for treating a sugar addict differ greatly. Most professionals agree that the best solution for any addiction include sugar and cocaine addiction is prevention. Prevention of the development of an addiction is the most effective way to tackle the problem, due to the fact that after an addiction develops, treatment is quite hard and psychologically challenging. Sugar addicts are advised to increase their protein intake because protein-rich foods like meat, nuts, and beans provide a steady and balanced source of energy for your body, which can help eliminate cravings for sugar-containing foods. Taking probiotics is also helpful because excess bacterial growth in the body creates sugar cravings since bacteria thrive on sugar. Eating healthy saturated fats is also a method that quickly yields results since saturated fats like coconut oil; raw, pasture-based butter, grass-fed milk and cream are all excellent healthy fats that will provide solid sustenance for your body thereby eliminating sugar cravings. There are a number of treatments for cocaine addicts including pharmacological approaches and behavioral interventions. Although there are not any FDA-approved pharmaceuticals to treat cocaine addiction, several medications designed for other diseases like vigabatrin, modafinil, tiagabine, disulfiram have been reported to reduce cocaine use in controlled clinical trials. Behavioral treatments for cocaine addiction can be divided into two categories: motivational incentives and cognitive-behavioral therapy. Motivational incentives use an exchange system where participants receive prizes for drug-free urine screenings. In other words individuals are encouraged to not use cocaine in order to qualify for a prize. Cognitive-behavior therapy treatment involves helping addicts to replace their drug-seeking behaviour with other, healthier, ways of dealing with their everyday issues. This type of treatment is designed to help the recovering addict understand the cause of their addiction and d rug use and to create a healthier lifestyle. After analyzing several studies on sugar, it is concluded that sugar can become addictive when overeaten, but is it more addictive than cocaine? Statistics show that the effects of sugar addiction is to a lesser degree than that of cocaine. Works Cited Carbohydrates. Nutrition and Well-being A-Z. Ed. Delores C.S. James. New York: MacMillan Reference USA, 2004. 2 vols. Frances, Allen. Dopamine. Psychology Today: Health, Help, Happiness + Find a Therapist. Psychology Today, June 2013. Web. 04 Dec. 2014. Rettner, Rachael. Is Sugar a Drug? Addiction Explained. LiveScience. TechMedia Network, 28 Oct. 2013. Web. 02 Dec. 2014. Schmitt, B.D. Sugar and Sweets. RelayClinical Education. Cengage Learning, Feb. 2012. Web. 21 Nov. 20Sugar 101. Sugar 101. American Heart Association, 19 Nov. 2014. Web.24 Nov.. 2014. Schmitt, Barton. Sugar and Sweets. Pediatric Advisor:. Childrens Health Network, 15 May 2012. Web. 24 Nov. 2014. Taubes, Gary. Is Sugar Toxic? The New York Times. The New York Times, 16 Apr. 2011. Web. 01 Dec. 2014. Venuto, Tom. Is Junk Food As Addictive As Heroin? Cengage Learning, 3 Nov. 2009. Web. 15 Nov. 2014.

Sunday, January 19, 2020

Beliefs About the World Trade Organization

Before reading articles about the World Trade Organization written by activist organizations and the WTO itself, I was aware that the conflicts and the debates surrounding the esteemed organization concern the power differences between the haves and the have-nots in the global economy. I also believed that the WTO is an indispensable entity produced by globalization itself. In my opinion, the WTO balances power between the haves and the have-nots as far as it is possible to do so.And, while the economies of abundance and high economic growth cannot be expected to slow down because of the low growth economies, the WTO at least gives the latter a voice. The articles on the WTO written by activist organizations have changed my beliefs about the organization very little. Indeed, it comes as a surprise to me that the WTO is blamed for putting the rights of big businesses â€Å"to profit over human and labor rights.† Jerry Mander, the president of the International Forum on Globaliz ation, refers to the WTO’s â€Å"mad drive toward corporate led economic globalization. † Yet, I had believed that WTO naturally favors the big economies of the world rather than corporations because the big economies happen to be instrumental in the entire global economy. In fact, without the big economies, the developing world would not even dream of globalization and foreign investment that would eventually make it possible for poor countries to economically grow.Besides, human and labor rights, in my opinion, cannot possibly be discounted by the WTO, seeing that businesses cannot even function without human and labor rights, and at the heart of WTO’s mission lies its interest in the promotion of business around the globe. Articles authorized by the WTO strengthen my belief that the organization works with â€Å"member countries† instead of focusing on corporations. In actual fact, the WTO takes decisions based on a consensus among its member countries .Moreover, it is wonderful to note that the WTO’s system is a promoter of world peace. After all, the organization allows for discussions, even among those member countries that differ in their opinions about the global political economy. I do not believe that I require further information to change my beliefs about the WTO. The organization remains ‘esteemed’ in my humble opinion, promoting the interests of all of its member countries while naturally favoring the big economies that happen to be most helpful for the small economies as well.

Saturday, January 11, 2020

Quality Of Life Elderly Osteoarthritis Health And Social Care Essay

Health and quality of life are of course interrelated. This gives rise to the construct of Health-related quality of life ( HRQOL ) . HRQOL is a multidimensional construct that covers a wide facet of wellness and good being of a individual both the constructive and unconstructive facets of life. . Harmonizing to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention ( 2000 ) , HRQL is regard as the most suited facet of quality of life ( QOL ) for probe in footings of which facet of QOL have the impact of a disease or any medical status, and defined it as â€Å" an person ‘s or group ‘s sensed physical and mental wellness over time. † . By analyzing HRQOL of a disease, it will be possible to mensurate and show the impact of wellness on quality of life scientifically. HRQOL covers many facets of good being including the emotional, physical, societal and subjective feelings that reveal patients ‘ appraisal and response to their unwellnesss. It is suited particularly in look intoing on the functional wellness position and wellbeing which are perceived and self-reported by the persons. DeSalvo, Bloser, Reynolds, He, Muntner ( 2002 ) showed that self-reporting by persons on their wellness position has proved to be a important forecaster of mortality and morbidity compared to other nonsubjective steps of wellness. Therefore, it has been recognized as a suited wellness index and service demands index in many diseases including arthritis. Problems that are associated with arthritis are simply non merely in medical unwellness. It besides has significant impacts on patients ‘ functional capacity and QOL. Escalante and Del Rincon ( 1999 ) had emphasized that the joint stiffness, changeless hurting, and joint harm due to arthritis cause important physical disablement and give negative influence in many facets of the patients ‘ lives, including functional disablement, work, relationships, and psychological impact. It has been shown that populating with arthritis is associated with decreased in QOL ( Nadal, 2001 ) . Harmonizing to WHO ( 2003 ) , arthritic diseases which include degenerative arthritis ( OA ) are the chief cause of morbidity throughout the universe and the diseases have an of import influence on the single wellness and quality of life. OA is peculiarly common among older people. Longitudinal surveies have found that incidence of degenerative arthritis increased with progressing age ( Sowers, Zobel, Weissfeld, Hawthorne and Carman, 1991 ) . The bing QA continues to come on in a long tally with the rate of patterned advance increased as the person aged. No uncertainty that in both the development and developed states where the life anticipation has increased in recent decennaries and with the alterations in the life style and diet, a rise in the incidence and prevalence of non-communicable diseases which includes the OA has present. This phenomenon is markedly seen in developing states which show betterments in wellness results. Statistically, WHO ( 2003 ) claimed that the prevalenc e of OA is that 10 % of the universe ‘s population who are 60 old ages or older. It besides claimed that about 40 % of the aged age of 70 old ages and above enduring from OA of the articulatio genus, and about 80 % of patients with OA have restriction of motion in assorted grade, and worst of all, about 25 % of patients with OA can non execute their major day-to-day activities of life. Osteoarthritis is the most common signifier of arthritis and is considered as one of the stressful, chronic unwellness and extremely prevalent in our society. Arthritis including OA is one of the major chronic unwellnesss that affect the morbidity of Malaysian ( Doris Padmini, et al. , 2010 ) . The prevalence of OA is in the Asia Pacific part is about 10-20 % of the grownup population. In all populations studied so far the prevalence of articulatio genus OA is higher than that of hip OA but this is more pronounced in Asiatic populations ( WHO, 2003 ) . The similar status occurs in Malaysia in which the most common signifier of OA is the articulatio genus OA ( Veerapan, Wigley and Valkenburg, 2007 ) . Although there is no exact figure of patients with knee OA, the Community Orientated Program for Control of Rheumatic Diseases ( COPCORD ) survey showed that 21.1 % of grownup Malaysians complained of arthritic hurting and the ailment rate increased with age those as shown as the prevale nce of OA was 53.4 % in those over 65 old ages. The exact prevalence of articulatio genus OA in Malaysia is non known. There is merely one survey done in primary attention puting in Malaysia and the survey showed that patient with articulatio genus OA go toing the authorities wellness clinic had comparatively hapless QOL in their physical wellness but there was less in their mental wellness. ( Zakaria, Bakar, Hasmoni, Rani and Kadir, 2009 ) There is a batch of information proposing that musculoskeletal diseases including OA have a negative consequence on HRQOL. One big wellness study ( Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance Survey ) done yearly in United States of America ( USA ) by CDC Atlanta incorporating informations from 32,322 grownups in 11 provinces showed that those persons with arthritis had about three times higher HRQL damage compared to those without the creaky disease ( 28.6 % vs. 8.3 % ) . They besides accounted a significantly larger figure of yearss when usual activities were restricted and physical and mental wellness was hapless ( Cook, Pietrobon and Hegedus, 2007 ) . Therefore, their creaky status made it difficult for them to populate in state of affairs they wanted. In the other states, assorted survey done on OA, for illustration in Korea in which the findings noted that OA are common in the elderly grownup population with the prevalence of 37.3 % for radiographic OA and 24.2 % for diagnostic OA, and significantly more in adult females ( Inje, Hyun, Yeong, Jin and Dong, 2010 ) . In Greece with prevalence of diagnostic OA of 8.9 % showed similar findings in gender, where OA was significantly higher among adult females and it increased with age significantly. Similar state of affairs occurs in Britain, in which the most normally reported ground of morbidity among persons aged 65 old ages and over peculiarly among adult females, is the upset of the musculoskeletal system ( Brown, Bowling and Flynn, 2004 ) . Findingss from the IQOLA Project Group ( 2004 ) gave groundss that legion surveies have shown that patients with musculoskeletal diseases have worse HRQOL, but the worst HRQOL was reported by patients with OA, Rheumatoid Arthritis ( RA ) , Oste oporosis and Fibromyalgia ( Picavet and Hoeymans, 2004 ) . These similar findings were seen in a survey done in Hong Kong which concluded that patients with knee degenerative arthritis had more impact on the HRQOL than other chronic diseases ( Lam and Launder, 2000 ) .Problem StatementThis survey is designed to analyze the wellness related quality of life in aged with OA go toing authorities wellness clinics in Kuala Lumpur. OA is chiefly an unwellness of aged individuals presented as moderate to severe symptoms ( McCarty, 1989 ) . For those who have mild symptoms normally will non seek medical attention. Harmonizing to Brown et Al. ( 2004 ) , the factors that may act upon the HRQOL in patients with OA are the demographic factors such as age, gender and socioeconomic position ; the OA conditions ( illness-related stressors ) that can impaired the patients ‘ day-to-day activity and the intervention for the status could besides impact people ‘s wellness perceptual experien ce. These factors will be studied as the dependent variables. The illness-related emotion and the header schemes that the patients have, would be the go-between variables.Theoretical ModelHarmonizing to Ventegodt, Merrick and, Andersen ( 2003 ) , Quality of Life ( QOL ) indicate ‘a good life ‘ , which imply a life with a high quality. HRQOL is one of the studied constituents of QOL, by and large referred to ‘a good life ‘ patient/client- based outcome indexs of wellness and societal attention engagement. OQL is a multi-level and obscure construct. It is accepted as the terminal of the rating of public policy. Although the cardinal spheres of QOL were identified in the literature are applicable to grownups of all ages, most of the research community has accepted no unequivocal theoretical model of quality of life, and no individual research model has been utilised in its probe ( Brown et al. 2004 ) . However, Ventegodt, et Al. ( 2003 ) presented a theoretical model of ‘the integrative theory of the quality of life ‘ ( IQOL theory ) refering facets of a good life which is showed in Figure 1. This integrative theory is an overall theory or meta-theory embracing eight more factual theories including the theory aspired by Maslow, in a subjective-existential-objective spectrum. By presenting this IQOL theory, a strength into the wellness and societal scientific disciplines is a measure towards a new recognition and regard for the profusion and complexness of life. Using the IQOL and Stress Coping Model ( Lazarus and Folkman, 1984 ) , the conceptual model for this survey will be based on. The HRQOL manifests itself as the index variable. The header schemes and the stressors ( assessment of demands and end ) will be the go-between. In this survey, the internal and external resources will non being studied. The constituent that being written boldly in the theoretical account above is the chief elements that will be look into.JustificationThe HRQOL has ne'er been studied in an urban scene in Malaysia boulder clay today, except in Putrajaya which has different population composing compared to other province. Kuala Lumpur being the most urbanised metropolis in Malaysia and populated by about 72,345 aged ( Department of Statistic Malaysia, 2010 ) . The composing of races and age is about similar to other urban puting in Malaysia The figure of aged with OA in Kuala Lumpur is non known. By put to deathing this survey, the basal line of prevalence of OA go toing the authorities wellness clinics can be obtained. Another ground why analyzing HRQOL in OA patients is of import because harmonizing to Woolf and Pfleger ( 2003 ) , musculoskeletal upsets are the most common cause of terrible long-run hurting and physical disablement, and it affects the societal operation and mental wellness of the patient and later diminishes the patient ‘s HRQOL. Arthritis diseases which include OA are one of the groups of diseases that cause a major public wellness job. Not merely are they progressive enfeebling diseases with no known remedy, but they besides have a annihilating impact on HRQL. This disease affects the patient ‘s capableness to populate a full and active life. In the study of The Bone- and Joint Decade 2000-2010, it has highlighted the significance of bettering the patients ‘ HRQOL with musculoskeletal upset. With the outgrowth of ageing population in Malaysia, the incidence and prevalence of people who suffer from chronic diseases such as OA, RA, osteoporosis and low back hurting, will go on to increase. The musculoskeletal upsets will and hold taken up a big proportion of healthcare resources compared to other chronic diseases, ( Osborne, Nikpour, Busija, Sundararajan and Wicks, 2007 ) . Clinicians and public wellness decision makers are concern about the wellness attention resources effects of arthritis ( March and Bachmeier, 1997 ) . Normally the results in wellness attention have been determined by the medical appraisal but the perceptual experience of the patient is besides an of import variable. Therefore, the importance of measuring wellness attention has shifted increasingly towards ratings of medical/health-related results from the patient ‘s position. This can supply excess information more than what being obtained by the traditional wellness measurings, and, therefore is valuable in assisting to understand the OA conditions.Significant of StudyFor Malaysia Ministry of Health, quality of life betterment is an indispensable public wellness end. The policy involvement in quality of life in older age is illustrated in the Malaysia National Policy for The Elderly, in which one of its purposes is â€Å" To develop the potency of the aged so that they remai n active and productive in national development and to make chances for them to go on to populate independently † . Therefore, HRQOL can be a national wellness criterion which can associate different subjects and other services. By mensurating HRQOL, the ministry will be able to supervise the national wellness advancement, in carry throughing the national wellness aims. To do alterations in some federal policy, the information on HRQOL needed to complement current public wellness ‘s traditional morbidity and mortality measuring because HRQOL is related to both self-reported chronic diseases and their hazard factors- giving valuable new penetrations on the relationships between HRQOL and hazard factors. Other than that, it can besides assist to happen out the load of chronic diseases, place which subgroups in population that have hapless perceived wellness and this will assist in steering intercessions to better their state of affairss and prevent more serious effects. Wi th all the information gathered, it can assist in placing the demands in the wellness policies and statute law, aid to administer resources consequently based on unmet demands, conduct the strategic programs development, and supervise the effectivity of the intercessions. Since OA is one of the chronic diseases with high morbidity, survey in its impact on the HRQOL may change the policy devising of the chronic diseases. Besides that, HRQOL appraisal is an of import public wellness tool for the aged. As mentioned above, informations from the appraisal will able to find the hazard factors of chronic diseases. In this epoch, when the life anticipation is increasing, the figure of aged will be increasing. It is the purpose of the public wellness that the aged will hold healthy ageing despite the overall wellness effects related to normal ripening and pathological disease processes. It is expected to be concerned with easing the aged in keeping their mobility, prolonging their independency and go oning their active engagement in society. The aged should be able to respond expeditiously to the physical, psychological and societal challenges of ageing. In other words, the consequence of all the activities should add quality to old ages of aged life. The information from HRQOL can be interpreted into the cognition, consciousness and pattern taking towards healthy ageing that will be executed to the communit y. The information from the survey will be able to assist physicians and wellness attention givers in placing the demands of patients with chronic diseases. It shall better their services and could be more patient-centred. As betterment in interventions and pull offing patient with OA take topographic point, new and better ways will emerge to back up the patients in take part a more active function in commanding their disease. Consequently, betterments in the HRQOL of OA patients can be seen in the hereafter old ages. The pathological definition for degenerative arthritis is of a status characterized by focal countries of loss of articular gristle within the synovial articulations, associated with hypertrophy of the bone ( osteophytes and subchondral bone induration ) and inspissating of the capsule. However in this survey merely the diagnostic OA will be studied which based upon the American College of Rheumatology standards. The chief standards is joint hurting with at least 3 out of these 6 clinical findings nowadays: age more than 50 old ages, crepitus, stiffness more than 30 proceedingss, bone tenderness, no tangible heat, bony expansion and bony tenderness ( Altman et al, 1986 )Health Related Quality Of LifeHarmonizing to CDC ( 2000 ) , HRQOL is defined as a wide multidimensional construct of quality of life that normally includes self-reported steps of physical and mental wellness by the inidividuals. To mensurate the HRQOL, the survey will be utilizing outcome survey of 36-item short signifier ( SF-36 ) . It is a multi-item graduated table that step eight wellness constructs.Illness Related StressorAny signifier of emphasis that derived from the disease. Illness-related stressors are traveling to be measured by the six subscales utilizing the Arthritis Impact Measurement Scales. The subscales are: Permission to carry on the survey in the authorities wellness installations need to be requested from the Ministry of Health, before pursues the survey. All the aged with OA that will be registered by the wellness personal will be informed about the survey and requested to take part in it. For those who agree to take part, the wellness personal will necessitate to hold the participants to subscribe the written consent. The wellness personal will carry on and help the aged in replying the questionnaire that will be taken topographic point in a one to one unfastened interview session. The questionairres will be prepared in three linguistic communications which are Bahasa Melayu, Chinese Language and Indian Language. If the aged does non able to understand the inquiries proposed to them due to linguistic communication barrier, the research worker will name a linguistic communication transcriber.Data CollectionThe research workers will ab initio inquire the permission from the Ministry o f Health in July 2011 to utilize their installations to carry on this survey, and informing the authorities wellness clinics sing the survey. In December 2011, the research worker will name at least 13 helpers to assist carry oning this survey. The helpers will be the wellness attention personals in which they are good verse with the medical footings and conditions. The helpers will be informed sing the aims, the consent needed from the aged, the information needed, the entry of informations in informations sheet and every bit good trained and brief on the behavior of the survey in footings of utilizing the questionnaires. The research workers and helpers will be carry oning the survey in 1 January 2011 boulder clay 30 June 2011 manually. The aged who fulfil the inclusion standards will be accepted in the survey whereas those who fulfil the exclusion standards will be excluded. The research workers and helpers will inquire the consent from the aged before questioning them. The consent signifier shown in Annex 2. The informations collected from the interviews will be collected and natural informations will be entered in SPSS statistical programme by the research worker. The information will be cleaned and edited. The Arthritis Impact Measurement Scales ( AIMS ) . The graduated tables used are scored in a consistent manner so that a low value indicates a high wellness position. The trial for dependability showed that the Guttman graduated table coefficients for scalability is more than 0.6. Whereas, the Guttman graduated table coefficients for duplicability is more than 0.9. The internal consistence by Cronbach ‘s alpha is more than 0.60 for each of subdivisions. The points in AIMS are based on the constituent of the Rand Health Survey Questionnaires, the Quality of Well-Being Scale, and Katz ‘s Index of Activities of Daily Living. Factor analysis identified three factors that have been replicated in following surveies. ( Meenan, Mason, Anderson, Guccione and Kazis, 1990 ) The Stress Questionnaire. The questionnaire has 16 points included in the four subscales of injury, challenge, menace and benefit. It is used to mensurate illness-related emotions which show how people review their nerve-racking brushs. Folkman & A ; Lazarus ( 1986 ) stated that high alpha coefficients between 0 80 to 0-87 for these graduated tables and maintain for their concept cogency via a factor analysis attack, the Cronbach alpha coefficients of 0.76 to 0.85 The Jalowiec Coping Scale ( JCS ) . JCS content cogency has been evaluated by expert panels and it is supported by a broad theoretical and empirical foundation. Construct cogency has been calculated. The 60 points in JCS are categorized into eight subscales, with concept cogency runing from 94 % on the Supportive subscale to 54 % on the Emotive subscale. The dependability of the graduated table is evaluated with Cronbach ‘s alpha coefficients. Based from consequences of 24 different surveies the Cronbach ‘s alpha coefficients for the usage subscales ranged from 0.48 to 0.81 and for the effectivity subscales from 0.48 to 0.82. ( Sigstad, Pedersen and Froland, 2005 ) .

Friday, January 3, 2020

Symptoms And Treatment Of Autoimmune Diseases - 834 Words

2.Classification of autoimmune diseases Autoimmune diseases are caused by auto-antibodies, according to auto-antibodies can be divided into: organ-specific, which affects one organ; non-organ specific, which are a multisystem disease. 2.1. Organ-specific 2.1.1. Autoimmune thyroid diseases They are a common cause of thyroid disorders and it is caused by auto-antibodies against the thyroid stimulating hormone receptor (TSH), intracytoplasmic antigen or thyroglobulin. s disease Grave s disease is the most known cause of thyrotoxicosis. this is due to auto-antibodies against TSH receptors that result in stimulation of thyroid gland for secretion of thyroid hormone, this excess in hormone secretion lead to hyperthyroidism. The common clinical pictures of grave s are a goiter, eye signs, and hyperthyroidism. Hyperthyroidism are manifested by weight loss, diarrhea, nervousness, palpitation, sweating, heat intolerance and insomnia. Hashimoto s thyroiditis Hashimoto s thyroiditis is the frequent cause for hypothyroidism, which known as myxedema. It is caused by auto-antibodies to Thyroglobulin and thyroid peroxidase, these two proteins are required for the production of hormone. Clinically, patients with hypothyroidism complain of weight gain, constipation, cold intolerance, muscle ache, dry skin, bradycardia, somnolence and heavy menses. mellitus (type 1) Islet cells in the pancreas are known to be the chief for production of insulinShow MoreRelatedDiscussion. Cause. Systemic Lupus Erythematosus Is Complex1711 Words   |  7 Pages Discussion Cause Systemic Lupus Erythematosus is complex autoimmune disease caused by a combination of genetic, epigenetic, and environmental factors. The body’s autoimmune cells fail to distinguish a diseased cell or foreign organism from its own healthy cells. 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The thyroid makes hormones called T3 and T4. These hormones regulate metabolism. The thyroid is controlled by hormones of the pituitary gland, which is also called the â€Å"master gland.† It is a pea-sized gland located in theRead MoreLupus : An Autoimmune Disease1143 Words   |  5 PagesAn Autoimmune disease is very serious condition that affects millions of people around the world. Lupus is one of those Autoimmune diseases. In this paper, I will be talking about Lupus and its definition. I will also be talking about its’ effects on patients with this disease. The way it is acquired. The way it is treated and, some other remedies that may be used to help deal with the day to day problems that come with having Lupus. I hope that by the end of this paper, the reader will have aRead MoreHashimotos Vs. Graves Disease762 Words   |  4 PagesHashimoto’s Disease vs. Graves Disease Anna Grochowski Salter College Anatomy and Physiology II September 18, 2013 Dr. P. Wong Hashimotos disease can also be called chronic lymphocytic thyroiditis or autoimmune thyroiditis. An autoimmune disease happens when the bodys immune system attacks its own cells and organs instead of its normal job of protecting the body from infection. Hashimotos disease specifically attacks the thyroid gland, causing inflammationRead MoreSymptoms And Treatment Of Rheumatoid Arthritis1312 Words   |  6 Pages Rheumatoid Arthritis Brandon Holley PAS5430 Winter 2017 - Class 6 Clinical Presentation Disease Overview. Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) is considered the most common autoimmune inflammatory arthritis disease diagnosed in adult patients and affects quality of life and leads to increased mortality rates. It is defined as a chronic, inflammatory, systemic autoimmune disorder characterized by symmetric, erosive synovitis that often leads to joint destruction, deformity, and disability.Read MoreAn Autoimmune Disorder That Directly Affects The Thyroid Gland1539 Words   |  7 PagesGraves’ Disease is identified as an autoimmune disorder that directly affects the thyroid gland. Characterized as the most common cause of hyperthyroidism, Graves’ Disease encompasses an overactive, enlarged thyroid gland, which produces an excess of thyroid hormones [1]. Approximately 3% of the United States population is affected by Graves’ Disease and 60-80% of patients affected with Graves’ disease are diagnosed with hyperthyroidism [2]. The approximate female to male ratio is 5/1, with majority